Telephone counselling in Enfield during Lockdown
With the present lockdown and restrictions due to
the Coronavirus, now is probably the best time to talk about the importance of
telephone counselling. I have been offering telephone counselling or telephone psychotherapy
for many years now. In the beginning, I utilised this approach for agoraphobics
who were simply too scared to leave the house; I also offered it to another
category of people who were frightened of transport or travelling by car.
Without telephone counselling they would have not been able to recover. The
next stage was gradually to desensitise them so that they were able to come for
regular appointments with me either in Harley Street or at my home practice in
Enfield. A number of clients were able to do this and their therapy moved on
fairly quickly, while others required more intense treatment. There are also those
who are so busy, either at work or at home or a combination, where telephone
counselling is really the best option. Presently, due to the lockdown, all of
my clients either have telephone counselling sessions with me or use some form
of video conferencing. All my clients in town or in Enfield are having session
this way, and this will continue until the lockdown is lifted.
Telephone counselling is just like having a face-to-face session but it is on
the telephone. There were a number of organisations which offer telephone
counselling on the internet; however, at Enfield Psychotherapy, we are very
flexible about setting up telephone counselling sessions. Some like to book 5
to 10 sessions in advance, and they obviously get a discount, what others like
to organise sessions on a weekly basis. There are also those who like to be
more even more flexible than this and they book sessions when appropriate.
Sessions can be booked Monday to Friday from 8 am to 8 pm. I also offer
sessions at the weekend—usually, on Saturdays.
May is World Mental Awareness Month. Celebrities and Royalty have spoken up
about the importance of helping people who are struggling with their mental
health. Indeed, nowadays people are much more accepting about mental health and
really the way to look at it is that everyone has got problems from time to
time. Today, life is very hectic, and creating a balance is very difficult.
Sometimes, it is helpful to speak to a professional mental health specialist
and this can be done conveniently over the telephone. If you are professional,
it is a great way to make time for yourself which is both convenient to you as
well as the therapist. In the therapy, you can talk about whatever you need to
talk about—the past or something that is happening in the present. It is important
in a counselling session to make sure you find a place where you are private,
where you can relax. However, some busy clients even take sessions during a walk,
and this is possible even in Enfield! What is important, is that it is right for
you and that you are comfortable in your surroundings while you talk to your
counsellor. Counselling psychotherapy can help you move on in life and become
more confident both at work and at home. But those who have a specific
psychological problems can deal with this with your psychotherapist over the telephone.
David Kraft is based in Enfield; however, he treats clients from all over the UK, and some people telephone in from abroad.
David Kraft
Appointments: 07946 569645
Enfield Psychotherapy in association with London Hypnotherapy UK