Where can I get psychological help, psychotherapy or counselling in Enfield
Dear Dr David Kraft
I have been suffering from depression for many years. In fact, ever since my boyfriend left me. I miss him so much and want to get back with him. I saw him in Enfield Town going shopping near the market and burst into tears, and he saw me. I felt so week and useless like a dirty rag. I went to my GP and he offered me anti-depressant medication. What? There is nothing wrong with me! I am depressed because I am lonely and miss my X; the drugs won’t help me. I have friends near me in Enfield who have taken these drugs and feel numb. I want to be alive. I asked my GP for psychotherapy or counselling whatever it is) and there is a 6 month waiting list for CBT. I looked at the internet and I am so confused. I want to be helped by someone I trust in my own way. I feel that 6 sessions are CBT is too prescriptive and too rushed.
Dear ****
I can certainly see you for psychotherapy in Enfield Town. Sessions here are much cheaper than in Harley Street and I can see you without a GP referral.
Please ring 0207 467 8564 or 07946 579645 for a session, and, in the meantime look at my website on the Enfield Psychotherapy page. This will give you so important information about my services.
David Kraft
UKCP Registered Psychotherapist
Hypnotherapy in Bush Hill Park, Enfield Town.
Dear Dr David Kraft
I am suffering after the death of my mother and uncle and don’t know what to do about it. I miss them so much and I am in a relationship just because I need someone near me, not because she is right for me. I would like some hypnotherapy and psychotherapy in Enfield. How much does a session cost? Many thanks.
Dear ****
Sessions are £100 for 50 minutes. I also do concessionary rates for the unemployed and retired persons. Reduced rates are normally between £80 and £95.
David Kraft
London Hypnotherapy UK, London Psychotherapy and Enfield Psychotherapy